
Postů: 130 (145)

datum: 2012-05-11 13:30:45

4) Cyclone of fire rendered useless.However, other combat magic spells like Haku Hail and Erik's Fists take it's place.
5) Summons maljin and spiders. Spells can be bought at most blacksmiths.
6) Increases difficulty of elite hard by x4. Easy and normal are 2x harder.
7) New death messages.
8) Eliminates tutorial tips
9) Utrean ring of Nike and Armored Rings give extra protection. Nike also makes chars run 2x as fast.

Neoficiální stránky počítačové akční RPG hry Dungeon Siege (Crafted by Psychopat)2006.
Gas Powered Games™ and Dungeon Siege™ are the copyrighted property of Gas Powered Games, Corp.

Zobrazení testováno pro: FireFox 1.0, Opera 7.54u2, InternetExplorer 6.0; Testováno v rozlišení 800x600 a 1024x768;


Všechna práva vyhrazena GameBB© 2005-2006, Psychopat

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