
Postů: 660 (1366)

datum: 2006-04-12 21:29:57

Omlouvám se, že úryvek z Interview s Chrisem Taylorem nepoeložím, jsem líný :o) - ale vitšina hráeu anlicky umí... FiringSquad: What can you tell us about the now officially announced Dungeon Siege II expansion pack?

Chris Taylor: The Dungeon Siege II expansion pack, Broken World will add a new Act and completes the original story from Dungeon Siege II. The pack includes new monsters, boss fights, sets and unique items, and of course the two new classes Blood Assassin and Fist of Stone, each with new skills and powers. We also made numerous enhancements to the game including the addition of the Dwarves as a playable race and more pets to train. We really pushed the pack to jam in as much as we could, so everyone would get tons more gameplay, regardless of their skill level and whether they played the original or not.

Máme se nae tišit... 8)


Postů: 466 (961)

datum: 2006-04-12 22:05:54

(Patrokles 12.04.06 v 21:29):

Je opravdu se na co tesit:)
Myslim, ze zacnu novou postavu s novou rasou ;)


Postů: 375 (1241)

datum: 2006-04-13 07:00:57

(Patrokles 12.04.06 v 21:29):

Takze budou hratelny dve novy rasy tak to je cool 8)


Postů: 990 (2526)

datum: 2006-04-13 20:59:32

(Patrokles 12.04.06 v 21:29):
super konecne tam zas daj trpasliky somik uz bude myt zas za co hrat. 8)

Neoficiální stránky počítačové akční RPG hry Dungeon Siege (Crafted by Psychopat)2006.
Gas Powered Games™ and Dungeon Siege™ are the copyrighted property of Gas Powered Games, Corp.

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